by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | Jul 30, 2021 | Mice Removal, Mouse Control
Have a mouse problem? Don’t delay another minute. As you debate on whether or not this little mouse will be an issue, more and more mice are likely invading your home. Mice have a tendency to multiple very quickly. So, if you happen to see one mouse squeaking around your home, it’s likely there are a whole lot more to come. At Minnesota Wild Animal Management, we aim to quickly rid you of your mouse problem. Living almost off of nothing, mice are incredibly resilient and can come and go
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | Jul 20, 2021 | Raccoon Pest Removal, Raccoon Trapping, Wild Animal Prevention
As adorable as raccoons can be, it’s important to keep our distance from them. Raccoons are attracted to common foods that we consume. From garbage cans and pet foods to simply just a safe space to live, if raccoons are attracted to and around your home, it will not be long before they make their way in. At Minnesota Wild Animal Management, we are both a preventative and wild animal removal company in Minnesota. If you have a raccoon problem, we are here to help.
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | Jul 9, 2021 | Animal Pest Control, Safe Bird Removal
Most homeowners enjoy having birds around their property as they can be so pretty to look at. Sitting in your kitchen or on the porch watching the birds as you sip on coffee is an ideal scenario for many. There are times, however, when birds intrude and try to turn your home into their own. Whether you have birds nesting in your garage, attic, porch, etc., it is important that you reach out to bird removal professionals so that they are not harmed during the removal process. When it comes to safe bird removal
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | Jun 30, 2021 | Snake Nest Removal, Snake Removal
It’s hard to imagine a snake slithering around your home…until it happens to you. So naturally, most of the snake phone calls we get are urgent because a snake has somehow managed to make their way in and is not exactly easily finding its way back out. Snakes in Minnesota are not uncommon, however and thankfully, most snakes in the area are not venomous. In fact, the only venomous snake known to the Minnesota state is the infamous Timber Rattlesnake. So, we can rest in knowing that the majority of the snakes
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | Jun 21, 2021 | Humane Wild Animal Removal, Wild Animal Removal
As spring and summer approaches, the sunshine that we have all missed will be spending more time warming our Minnesota landscape. This means more outdoor activity, absorption of vitamin D, and shaking off some of the cabin fever that can build up during our state’s colder months. The downside of the sun making longer appearances during the day is that it means animals also become more active, seeking sources of food and more comfortable shelter. Our homes and property are very appealing locations
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | Jun 10, 2021 | Humane Wild Animal Removal, Wild Animal Removal
Many of us love to watch birds outdoors. They are beautiful and their songs are the hallmark of a beautiful spring morning. However, birds can build nests in and around your home which can prove to be problematic. They may nest in your garage, in your gutters, your chimney, in your attic or even in air vents, becoming a nuisance. The team at Minnesota Wild Animal Management can remove birds from your home safely and humanely, so that their lives are protected but they no longer cause a problem
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | May 31, 2021 | Bat Pest Removal, Bat Removal, Wild Animal Prevention
Of the seven species of bats that can be found in Minnesota, only two will try to take up residence in your home. Those two species are the little brown myotis and the large brown bat. This sounds like pretty good odds, right? Not exactly. The reality is that most people, even those who are not afraid of bats, do not want any species of bat moving into their house. We understand bats, and we respect the good they do for our environment and various ecosystems. However, we also understand that no one would want to share their home with a bat family
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | May 21, 2021 | Animal Feces Cleanup
At Minnesota Wild Animal Management, we have seen it all. With almost 30 years of experience in humane animal removal, we understand even the smallest of differences that services like ours can do to make a large impact. As Minnesota grows in numbers, creating more homes and clearing forestry, wild animals will naturally find their way onto your property. They can invade your garage, nest in your attic and even fly around in your home. At Minnesota Wild Animal Management, we will work to humanely remove the animal(s) from your space but that’s not where our job ends. Sometimes having a wild animal in your home means more than just a fuzzy thing running around. Sometimes it means that these animals have destroyed your property while they’ve been making their own little habitat
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | May 12, 2021 | Humane Wild Animal Removal, Wild Animal Removal
Having birds around your property brings beautiful sights and wonderful sounds. That is, as long as they keep their distance from our actual home. At Minnesota Wild Animal Management, we regularly get calls from homeowners in Minnesota requesting our safe bird removal services. We’re here to ensure that these birds don’t try and turn your home into their own.
If given the chance, birds will try to build a nest
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | Apr 30, 2021 | Snake Nest Removal, Snake Removal
Nothing gets your blood pressure flowing quite like coming into contact with a snake on your Minnesota property. While most snakes in Minnesota are not poisonous, with the exception of the Timber Rattlesnake, they still present a lot of fear for homeowners. When finding a snake on your property, one of the first thoughts that likely comes to mind is how to get the snake off your property. Sure, you could try and get rid of it yourself, but that runs the risk of you or the snake getting injured