by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | Mar 21, 2022 | Skunk Removal
Many homeowners painstakingly perfect their green lawn and landscaping, all to enjoy the beauty of springtime growth. How maddening it must be to look out one morning and see holes that have been dug overnight all over the yard! The culprit may be skunks.
Skunks are relentlessly searching for food and shelter
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | Mar 10, 2022 | Humane Wild Animal Removal, Wild Animal Inspection, Wild Animal Removal
As we take more and more steps past the Covid-19 pandemic, we are able to do more social activities. Many of us are enjoying trips, sporting events, and outdoor activities. Some of us are even welcoming friends and family into our homes to celebrate birthdays and holidays. It has even been reported that some people are enjoying the company of relatives in their homes for days
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | Feb 28, 2022 | Humane Wild Animal Removal, Squirrel Removal
When the temperatures turn cold in Minnesota, we tend to spend much more time indoors in order to stay warm (and dry). This is also the time when the squirrels that we are used to seeing scurrying across the streets are also seeking a warm and dry place to call home for the winter. If your home has a vulnerable access point or area where they can easily slip in, you may find that you are suddenly sharing your attic or garage with a family of squirrels. The squirrels mean no harm to you or your family, but they can cause damage and bring in bacteria and dirt. Minnesota Wild Animal Management can safely and humanely remove the squirrels in your home
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | Feb 21, 2022 | Animal Pest Control, Humane Wild Animal Removal
If you look, you may notice that our local area is changing. There is more land development than ever before, new housing developments, neighborhoods, shopping areas, schools and restaurants. This may be exciting in many ways for attracting people to the Twin Cities and pumping more money into our local economy. However, there are some unintended consequences as well. The wooded land, before it was developed, was home to many different wildlife and creatures including birds, squirrels, bats, snakes, raccoons, and many others. So, where do you think that these creatures go when their habitats are turned upside down? They move into your home.
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | Feb 10, 2022 | Bat Pest Removal
Minnesota is home to eight species of bats, one of which is protected by the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973. Two others are being considered for protection. Five of the eight species have varying degrees of state level protection in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Only two of the eight species however (the large brown bat and the little brown myotis) are known to roost in residential dwellings. If you have bats that have taken up residence in your home
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | Jan 31, 2022 | Animal Pest Control, Humane Wild Animal Removal, Wild Animal Removal
Let’s face it, many animals are quite cute! You might be tempted to let them hang out around your property because of that. However, wildlife is called wild for a reason, and there are risks involved if you choose to forego wildlife removal. At Minnesota Wildlife Management, we can take care of your wildlife removal needs and provide wildlife prevention services and tips. Most wildlife, cute or not, should be encouraged to go elsewhere to avoid problems.
Rodent removal is important to avoid damage to your home’s wiring. Rodents also pose health risks to occupants because they can carry disease.
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | Jan 20, 2022 | Wild Animal Prevention
In search of a place to build a nest or for shelter, birds can become quite a nuisance if they find your home instead. They can easily nest in garages, under decks, in attics, vents, and other places you do not want them. These birds can cause quite a bit of damage to a business or residence. When pest bird populations are not regulated, a great deal of damage can be incurred. Consider calling the pros at Minnesota Wildlife Management to help control the bird population at your home or business.
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | Jan 10, 2022 | Bat Pest Removal, Bat Removal
What critter or wild animal are you most afraid of? For some, bats evoke a fear like no other. This may come from watching old vampire movies, or because they are nocturnal and come out when it is dark out, or it may just be that you think they may carry disease. Bats are incredibly interesting creatures that mean us humans no harm. However, when they find their way inside a home and make themselves at home, they still need to be removed. They also carry disease and need to be removed by a professional.
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | Dec 31, 2021 | Deer Mice
While any type of rodent infestation on your property can be concerning, deer mice present a special danger to yourself and your family. Deer mice are known carriers of Hantavirus, which is a deadly and dangerous pathogen. To protect your loved ones against Hantavirus, be sure to schedule mouse removal at the first sign of an infestation. Minnesota Wildlife Management specializes in mouse removal in the Minneapolis area and can eliminate the dangers of deer mice from your property.
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | Dec 20, 2021 | Squirrel Control, Squirrel Removal, Wild Animal Removal
Squirrels don’t hibernate in the winter, but they still need a warm, safe place to sleep. And when it’s severely cold out, they’ll stay in their cozy den for days at a time, only venturing out midday when temperatures are warmest. If you’ve heard any scurrying or squeaking coming from your attic or walls, that cozy den just might be your home. If you’re in the Minneapolis area and you think you might