by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | Jun 30, 2022 | Deer Mice, Mice Removal, Mouse Control
Mice and rats are a year-round pest control problem in most regions. Recently, many towns have seen an enormous increase in rodent activity and aggressive behavior. This could prove problematic when temperatures drop, and already-hungry rodents start spreading to more residential areas in search of food and shelter.
Preventing A Rodent Infestation
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | Jun 20, 2022 | Chipmunk Removal Services
Chipmunks are cute and entertaining little animals in pictures and cartoons, and most people enjoy watching them run around their yard. They’re so cute and quirky – who couldn’t help but love them and want them around? These rodents may be cute to look at, but they aren’t animals that you want hanging out close to your home. The expert team at Minnesota Wild Animal Management specializes in
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | Jun 10, 2022 | Animal Pest Control, Wild Animal Prevention
No one wants to deal with the annoyances of overturned or infested trash cans and roll-off dumpsters. Don’t let pests and other animals take advantage of your wide-open waste disposal area. Instead, institute minor changes to take control of your trash.
First and foremost, it’s crucial to keep your waste wrapped tightly within the confines of a trash bag
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | May 31, 2022 | Raccoon Removal, Raccoon Trapping, Wild Animal Removal
Your home is important to you, and we want to help you keep it free of pests. One of the most common types of pests that we get called to deal with is raccoons, and in this article, we’ll go over a few tips on how to deal with a raccoon infestation. Now, perhaps, you’ll know what to do if you ever find yourself dealing with this problem.
Raccoons are nocturnal (active predominantly during nighttime hours), so they can be hard to detect. Tipped over trash cans, damage to your garden
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | May 20, 2022 | Animal Feces Cleanup, Humane Wild Animal Removal, Wild Animal Prevention
When a wild animal invades your home, they do not come through the front door or an open window. Most often, they find their way inside through an existing crack or hole, or they make their own way inside. Very often, wild animals leave damage at their point of entry but also where they nest or hide. Wild animals can chew through wiring, burrow under your foundation, nest in your walls or your vents, causing costly damage
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management | May 11, 2022 | Animal Control Service, Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Wild Animal Removal
When you realize that you have an unwanted visitor in your home – a bat, a squirrel, raccoon, a snake, a bird, or a mouse, you want it gone immediately. After all, when you see one critter, it is certainly possible that there are more in your home that you have not seen. Emergency wild animal removal is a critical function that our team can provide. Minnesota Wild Animal Management Inc. offers 24/7 humane animal removal services. We will help you when you need it. Waiting 12-24 hours or longer is not all that helpful when you want the wild animal removed NOW!
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | Apr 29, 2022 | Humane Wild Animal Removal, Wild Animal Prevention
Minnesota Wild Animal Management has built its positive reputation by humanely removing non-human creatures from homes and businesses. But the removal of rodents, bats, birds, snakes, and other animals is not the only service we provide. We have come to realize that homeowners also need help preventing wild animals from entering their home and repairing damage that they leave behind. So, our team has the experience and skill necessary to find an animal that has made its way into your home, remove it and then make sure that your house is not vulnerable to future issues. As we come out of another Minnesota winter, animals like birds, snakes, squirrels and raccoons are set to become more active
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | Apr 21, 2022 | Snake Removal
Many of us are afraid of snakes. The fear is understandable – since we were kids, we have been told that they are dangerous. The truth is, however, at least in Minnesota, there is only one type of poisonous snake – the Timber Rattlesnake. This snake is only found in one area of Southeastern Minnesota. Other snakes can bite, but they will not harm you. Regardless of this fact
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | Apr 11, 2022 | Squirrel Removal, Wild Animal Inspection
Squirrels are one of the cuter critters in the area. We see them out every day, running across the street or climbing a tree. For the most part, they do not mean anyone any harm. However, just like humans, they look for shelter and food when the temperatures drop, and the weather gets severe. If squirrels find their way into your home, they can build a nest, reproduce and cause damage from their chewing. Minnesota Wild Animal Management Inc
by Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. | Mar 31, 2022 | Animal Pest Control, Bat Removal, Raccoon Pest Removal, Squirrel Removal
Homeowners typically have more issues and encounters with local wildlife in the springtime. Since this is the season when many new animals are born, there will be a lot of new animals to watch out for around the home. Despite the homeowner’s best efforts, it’s still possible for wild animals to get inside the home or to get close enough to the home to become a nuisance. At this point, it’s a good idea for the homeowner to contact a wildlife removal specialist