When people think of beavers, they automatically assume that they are only found in places with flowing water. Rivers, streams, and lakes are all common places for beavers, yes, but so is your average residential home! Beavers are generally nocturnal, and they are known for being the second largest rodents in the world. With that being said, this is the very reason they are a bit harder to get rid of. If you have a beaver problem on your Minnesota property, Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc., is here to help.
Beaver Problems
So, why are beavers such a problem to have near your home? Beavers are most commonly thought of as builders. They build dams and create homes for themselves using their powerful teeth. So why wouldn’t you want this around your property? The last time we checked, cutting down trees on your property was not a positive thing. Tree loss due to beavers can be prevented if action is taken right away. Not only can they be dangerous, they can make your property look very bad. Let’s not forget about the risk of flooding with a beaver dam after a heavy rain or snow occurs. Additionally, these large rodents carry a parasite called Giardia. If exposed to your water source, it can give you and your family serious illness. Cramps, diarrhea, high fevers, etc., are just a few of the many symptoms caused by Giardia.
Trapping a Beaver
So, once you know you have a beaver problem, how do you handle it? Beavers can range anywhere from 30 to 75 lbs. Can you imagine trapping a 75 lb. beaver? We can! We understand that beavers are formidable to trap. This is why we use certain traps and techniques that are only known to experienced animal removal professionals. We employ these traps and safely relocate these critters to an acceptable area. After all, no one wants “beaver fever” on their property.
If you notice a beaver problem on your MN property, take action immediately. No, we don’t mean for you to handle it yourself, either. We’ve have residents that have tried to take care of the problem themselves and have either ended up with more beavers, or they inflicted more damage to their own property. Take action today and call Minnesota Wild Animal Management, Inc. We are a humane wild animal removal, damage, and prevention company in Minnesota that will get the job done. Contact us today at (612) 386-1289.